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London Saturday 26 June 2021: Today on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, Commonwealth Secretary-General The Rt Hon Patricia Scotland QC calls on all Commonwealth countries to stand in solidarity with victims and survivors of torture and to act by ratifying and fully implementing the UN Convention against Torture.
Read news - The Commonwealth Stands in Solidarity with All Victims and Survivors of Torture
As we look around the globe at the impact of the pandemic, one thing is clear: we are all in the same storm, even if we aren’t all in the same boat. While more affluent nations are now rolling out second vaccine doses, health workers across the world, from the Pacific to Africa, and the Caribbean and Latin America to Asia, are still awaiting their first doses, have inadequate testing capacity, are juggling erratic oxygen supplies and are still forced to customise out-of-date PPE.
Read news - The World Needs the G7 to Invest In All Our Futures
Commonwealth health ministers have today issued a joint statement after their annual meeting in which they called for swift and equal access to COVID-19 vaccines for everyone around the world. In the statement on behalf of the 54 Commonwealth member countries, they expressed deep concern over the stark gaps in access and delivery of doses, especially in poor countries, and called for “fair and transparent” pricing for the vaccine.

Read news - Commonwealth health ministers demand equal access to COVID-19 vaccines for the world