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In March, leaders gathered in London to highlight the crucial role women play in leadership and decision-making at a time when over half of the world’s population is going to the polls. In her keynote address, the Commonwealth Secretary-General, the Rt Hon Patricia Scotland KC, spoke about a new world reality with women taking on more leadership roles. 
Read news - ‘Women are determining the world’: the Commonwealth Secretary-General celebrates women leaders 
As an island nation, Antigua and Barbuda is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and, despite recent classification as a middle-income country, pockets of poverty heighten this risk for some parts of society. Recognising this challenge, the Sustainable Island Resource Framework (SIRF) Fund was established in 2019 as a financial vehicle to deliver climate and environment-related projects and programmes both domestically and across the Eastern Caribbean.
Read publication - The SIRF Fund Gender-Responsive Blended Financing Window: Synthesis Report
The 13th Commonwealth Women’s Affairs Ministers Meeting (13WAMM) was held in Nassau, The Bahamas, from 21 to 23 August 2023. Delegations from 26 member countries attended the Meeting. The Prime Minister of The Bahamas, the Hon. Philip Davis, KC, addressed the opening ceremony.

The Meeting was chaired by the Hon. Obediah Wilchcombe MP, Minister of Social Services and Urban Development, The Bahamas, under the theme ‘Equality Toward a Common Future’. The first session was addressed by the Rt Hon. Patricia Scotland, KC, Secretary-General of the Commonwealth and the Hon. Aisha Jumwa, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Public Service, Gender and Affirmative Action, Kenya as the outgoing Chair of WAMM.
Read publication - Proceedings report of the 13th Commonwealth Women's Affairs Ministers Meeting
Once you have the information and resources to recognize domestic violence and sexual assault, you can help someone get the support they need and deserve, and help to prevent these crimes in the future. You have the power to help survivors recognize, confront, and heal from abuse.
Experiencing domestic and sexual violence is isolating and traumatising, but there is help available. See the resources and information below to get support.